Jeopardy: The Lost Episode

Jeopardy: The Lost Episode
I've had my friends send me many
strange links and videos. Most of them being weird commercials from
other countries, or some guy hitting himself in the nuts in some
extreme way. But nothing with what I witnessed a few days ago.
I had a friend, but to protect his
identity, I'm gonna call him Bobby. So Bobby has always sent me weird
shit, but this was much different. He told me to watch it at my own
risk, and to be alone while watching it. I've been to tons of gore
sites, so nothing really effects me any more, and when he told me to
watch it alone, I thought it would be some weird obscure porno or
He sent me the file. It was called
“Jeopardy.exe.” I clicked it, and the UN-thinkable happened. Then
the video started. It had the main title and everything, except there
was no narrator, and no clapping or applauding. The Jeopardy title
screen was also reversed. My ding a ling was itchy beyond human
comprehension. There was also no audience. The only people in the
show were the contestants, and the host. Another strange thing was
the Jeopardy theme was reversed, and turned into a mangled mess. The
Jeopardy title screen was also a dark mix or black and red, with a
small dripping effect. I was also in a negative effect. I was all
like “Pfft MS Paint much.” I had a good chuckle after I said
Then the host showed up. He just stared
at the camera, and laughed hysterically at the viewer. He was
negatively coloured just like the title screen. This gave me the
willies beyond belief. The scariest part was his eyes. They were just
black pit- like holes with hyper realistic blood dripping out of it.
The blood when from just a small drip, to a flood of
blood just like Niagara Falls man. Then the contestants were shown.
This is what made me go pee pee in my Sunday best pants. The names
were unusually demonic. They were two men, and a woman. Their names
were Satan, Lucifer, and Kali. I knew this was odd because Lucifer
was Satan's angel name, Satan explains it self ya silly, and Kali is
a demi- god in the Hindu religion. And each of their scores were
minus six six six.
I nearly vommitted up my guacamole
green been burrito once I saw the scoreboard. It had a very hyper
realistic look and texture to it. It looked like it was made out of
human flesh and was also pulsating. It was real scary. But that's not
the worstest part yet oh no. It was the categories. The first
category was labelled: “Torture.” The second one was labelled:
“Satanic Rituals.” The third one was labelled: “ How to Cook
Human Flesh.” And lastly, but not leastly, the fourth one was
labelled: “Blood Consumption.”
Suddenly, one of the contestants chose
a category. It was the satanic rituals one. The question was: “What
is the number to summon the beast?” The theme song was then played
in g major and in reverse. After about 30 seconds of the goofed up
theme song, the women hit the buzzer. But instead of the average
buzzer sound, it was a hyper realistic scream of agony instead. She
then answered: “What is six six six?” Then the host said “HAIL
SATAN!” followed by evil laughter from all around the room somehow,
because there was no adudience remember? This continued for the rest
of the show. The episode was a tie with everyone returning eventually
to their original scores, six six six. The host then said “ See you
later my friends” as his hyper realistic eyes now pouring out with blood. Like so much, I swear there was a pool by the end. Then the episode ended and the credits rolled
down instead of up with the poo poo'ed up Jeopardy theme song. I
looked closely at the credits, and it had names like “Chernabog”,
and “Succubus”, which are demon names. I shed a single tear
after seeing that part in frieght like it was so spooky. I told Bobby
not to send me anymore strange videos like that anymore. So I then
turned off my computer and went to go watch some real TV. When I
turned it on, Jeopardy was on. I went up to go change the channel
because I got the heebee jeebees, and it also happened to be on
For the sequel, click [!ydrapoeJ.com_Jeopardy_The_Lost_Episode_2 here]